I am a Diner
If you have reached this page the chances are that you and the restaurant you have dined in have helped change people’s lives.
By paying the small donation on your bill, we guarantee to plant a fruit tree in the developing world. Please accept a big thank you from everyone at Carbon Free Dining.
Not only will your tree counterbalance the carbon footprint of your meal but it will provide empowerment and opportunity for some of the developing world’s poorest communities and ultimately, help bring an end to poverty.
By dining at Carbon Free Dining Certified restaurants, you help to provide:
- Food to those who are starving
- Education to those that would otherwise go without
- Income to those that are poor
- Shelter to those that need it most
- Fodder for animals which are a main source of livelihood in the developing world
Please drop us a tweet @co2freedining #CarbonFreeDining
Mr Satinder Bindra, whilst Director of Communications for United Nations Environment described the dining initiative as ‘an outstanding initiative which successfully merges the luxury of eating out with the joy of knowing we are simultaneously giving something back to nourish our planet.’
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